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  • 🇺🇸 Biden’s Birthday

🇺🇸 Biden’s Birthday

Plus, the best Black Friday deal we’ve ever seen.

The Flag


Good morning, and happy Tuesday! In March 2014, Mongo took off running after a group of wild Mustangs. Now, he’s home for the holidays…

Plus, this t-shirt will get you free Denny’s breakfast for a year…

Also, Bob Iger is back at the helm of Disney, the 2022 World Cup is the most expensive ever, and the number of babies named Alexa is dropping quickly. Chartr just did a deep dive on all of these topics yesterday. Click here to sign up for the next edition.


📉 Direction of Country: Wrong Track 31, Right Direction 65 (Rasmussen Reports)

📉 President Biden Job Approval: Approve 45, Disapprove 54 (Rasmussen Reports)

📉 President Biden Job Approval: Approve 43, Disapprove 54 (Politico/Morning Consult)

📉 President Biden Job Approval: Approve 37, Disapprove 57 (Reuters/Ipsos)


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Right: Hunter Biden laptop repairman details 'chilling' warning from FBI agent (Fox News)

Right: Biden Admin Tells People They Are Approved For Student Loan Cancellation Even As Court Battles Rage (Daily Wire)

Right: Cracks in Trump's command of GOP evident as Republicans gather to debate party's future (Washington Examiner)


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Supply Chain Scare, Presidential Pardon, Leaving Liberation

Economy: Railroad strike looms over holidays after major union rejects deal (Axios)

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Biden’s Birthday

President Joe Biden travels over the National Mall (Photo by Adam Schultz)

On Sunday President Joe Biden turned 80, becoming the first president to reach that milestone while in office. As the political landscape shifts its focus to the 2024 presidential election, Biden will face renewed questions over his age in the coming months.

From The Flag: Biden has not yet formally declared his bid for re-election, although he’s indicated he plans to run. Last week we examined former President Trump’s entrance into the race, while this summer we looked at both Biden and Trump from the perspective of age. Here’s fresh commentary from both sides.


Biden’s Schedule and Ballot Box Success Defy Age Concerns

  • Despite questions about his age, President Biden’s staff says even younger people would have difficulty keeping up with his day-to-day schedule.

  • Following a better-than-expected showing in the midterms, Biden has silenced his doubters and is well poised for a run at reelection.

  • History has proven that age is not a determining factor when it comes to the effectiveness of world leaders.

“Biden turns 80 amid questions about a reelection bid” Michael Collins and Joey Garrison, USA Today: “He maintains a schedule that’s hard for staffers a fraction of his age to keep up with, a senior White House official said. On the return flight from marathon overseas trips, when other staffers are wiped out and ready to sleep, he will call meetings about how to hit the ground running on domestic policy in a way that requires great endurance, the official said. Staffers say they’ve also seen him show strength in times of community grief, such as when he comforted families after mass shootings in Uvalde, Texas, or Buffalo, New York. … He also works late into the night, calling members of Congress and poring over briefing books and asking detailed questions of staff as he strategizes for the next day, the official said. And yet, many Americans have concerns about entrusting the presidency to him for another four years.”

“The Vindication of Joe Biden” Michael Tomasky, The New Republic: “It was all teed up to be an unmitigated disaster. … Joe Biden’s presidency was going to be effectively over. The right would have had a field day, casting Biden as a senile old fool and failed president. … So, what does he do for an encore? … Even though Democrats maintained their majority in the Senate, he’ll run into the same problems he ran into in 2021 and 2022: Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema. … There is also the unavoidable question of Biden’s age. … It’s pretty hard to imagine an 86-year-old president of the United States, which is what Biden would be at the end of a prospective second term. But if his health holds up, Democrats are going to be hard-pressed to come up with good reasons to say no to a guy who passed several pieces of major legislation, held his factionalized party together, and defied history in the midterms.”

One more opinion piece from the Left: Run, Joe, Run! Why I Don’t Worry About Biden’s Age — and You Shouldn’t Either Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, POLITICO Opinion


Biden’s Too Old To Run, But Does Whoever Is Really In Charge Care?

  • Some leading Democrats are concerned about Biden’s age and think he should retire in favor of the next generation.

  • As a gift to himself and his fellow Americans, Biden should acknowledge he’s lost a step and decide not to run in 2024.

  • Much like the monarchies of old, Biden’s administration is being ruled by proxy – the Biden Regency.

“Some Democrats See Age as Issue for Potential 2024 Bid” Tarini Parti and Natalie Andrews, Wall Street Journal: “President Biden (is) the first octogenarian to hold the office… (He) was the oldest president to assume office and, if re-elected, would be nearly a decade older than the oldest second-term president, Ronald Reagan, who was 73 years old at his 1985 swearing-in. Mr. Biden’s recent verbal miscues have added to concerns from some in his party about his age, and polls show many voters also have doubts. He said during his 2020 presidential campaign that he viewed himself as a bridge to the next generation of Democratic Party leaders. Some lawmakers and party officials say that Mr. Biden should step aside for that new group. … The president and his allies say they view the Democrats’ stronger-than-expected performance in the midterm elections as a sign that voters support Mr. Biden’s agenda.”

“Happy 80th birthday, Mr. President. Now please don’t run” Editorial Board, Washington Examiner: “The best gift he could give the nation, and himself, is an announcement that he will not run for president in 2024. He has worked in the federal government for 50 years now, many of them ably. But his age is showing, his gaffes have gone from charming to dangerous, and the Democratic Party can do better. … At his advanced age, Biden has become a danger to himself and others. He is clearly past the peak of his executive function and is often not all there. A decision at this point to run again for president can only be an act of selfishness. It would be a total failure to put country above personal ambition. We are not the biggest fans of the policies the Democratic Party pursues, but we refuse to believe that Biden is the best person it can nominate in 2024.”

One more opinion piece from the Right: This Isn’t a Biden Presidency. It’s a Biden Regency. Jon Gabriel, Ricochet


Over 8 in 10 Want the Presidency To Have an Age Limit

A new poll found 86% of Americans think candidates over the age of 75 should be barred from running for president.

Along party lines, 46% of Democrats say Biden isn’t up to the challenge in 2024. Just over 1 in 4 Republicans say the same thing about Trump.

Overall, 68% say President Biden won’t be fit to serve as president in 2024 (Reuters/Ipsos).

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The "First" President, SEAL Tricks, Confucius' Line

On November 22, 1783, John Hanson, the first president of the Continental Congress under the Articles of Confederation, died in his home state of Maryland. Hanson is sometimes called the first president of the United States, but this is a misnomer since the presidency did not exist as an executive position separate from Congress until the federal Constitution created the role upon its ratification in 1789.

Fast Company: These Navy SEAL Tricks Will Help You Perform Better Under Pressure

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CNET: Getting Nothing Done? Use These 8 Psychological Tips to Boost Productivity

Today I Learned in 2005, the Guinness Book of World Records recognized the Confucius genealogical line as the longest family tree in history, with 86 recorded generations (over 1.3 million people) over 2,500 years. However, no DNA testing was conducted with any of the newest registered descendants for validation.


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